Monday, September 24, 2007

Thank You

You may remember about my co-worker's daughter who was in a car accident over Labor Day weekend.

I have an update regarding her condition:

Dear Folks –
Thank you all for your cards, thoughts, prayers, gifts, and food after Kelley’s accident. Our family is truly blessed to have so many loving and caring people in our lives.

Kelley is healing and getting.a little stronger every day.,_
They removed her trach tube Thursday and she took her first shower on Saturday – big step!!! __

We see the facial surgeon this week and will have a better idea what is in store for her over the next 6 months.
The bruising on her face is now gone but there is still swelling and a lot of pain. Her jaw is still wired – she is getting pretty tired of drinking soups!
She is incredibly strong and determined to return to school and a normal life next semester.

The other teenagers that were in the car are also healing nicely: the 2 boys each have a broken arm and the other girl has a fractured femur – she is already back in school and even driving again. Ahhh – youth!!!

The drunk driver that hit them was arrested last week – our roads will be a little safer for awhile.

Thank you again for your patience and support –

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