Monday, September 24, 2007

Aisle 9


What, you still here? Okay, don't say you weren't warned.

Ladies I have a question for you.

Will your significant other go the store for you and purchase tampons, pads, whatever you need?

Not A Grampy and I will be celebrating 20 years of marriage on Wednesday. Twenty years married, 22 years actually together. He has an issue with Aisle 9 (in our store that is where all the feminine products are.

He has NEVER purchased any type of feminine care/hygiene product.

In fact, he has been known to avoid Aisle 9 like the plague. He has also been witnessed, on occasion, moving away from the shopping cart when the items in question are due to be put onto the check out stand.

I don't know why he has such an aversion to Aisle 9 and it's products. I mean, even if he was shopping alone and had only that in his cart, it tells all the other men something...

It tells them that he has a woman! Yup! He has a woman, who is not pregnant. He may not be getting any this week, buy he has a woman and will be getting some soon enough. The other poor sucker in line buying beer and frozen pizza will be home alone, again.

I just don't understand.


Now for the good news!

Bluepaintred has a new blog! Where Was I? I don't know how she does it, but she keeps them all updated, interesting and fun!!

She is also running a contest! And she will be doing one every month! Woo Hoo! I love contests, even if the only prize is jelly dognuts at least it is a prize!!

So, what she would like us to do is write a short post linking back to her new site. Then leave a comment on this post with the URL of your entry. Could you take a few minutes and help her out with this new venture?

Oh and the prize really isn't jelly dognuts..(you wouldn't want them anyway, they are kind of drunk and nasty and can't spell worth a darn)

You could win a factory sealed Playstation 2 Game-Hitman 2!! Or if you don't have a Playstation 2 (kind of like me) she will deposit $30.00 in your paypal account!! I like cash!! Winner will be chosen October 31 (ooh, 2 days after my birthday! that would be an awful nice gift). T

Take a few minutes and pop over there. Take a look around, visit, join her for a cup of coffee!!


ADW said...

My hubs will buy me tampons. He could care less.

Love the new blog design!!

Tug said...

I have no one to buy it for me...sad times.


Some have, some NO. I've had boyfriends that hated to buy toilet paper - how DO they survive??

Not a Granny said...

ADW-thanks, Sheila from Seriously Sheila did it for me!

tug-I don't either, tp..that is sick!!

Bluepaintred said...

1. not only will my husband run to the store to buy me pads and tampons when I was hemorrhaging and the nurse was screaming down the hall for people to come in he kept pressure on my girly parts until a trained professional took over. Long Story.

2. I'm bad at math. Your birthday is the 29th of October?

Kayli Marie said...

that is so funny! i'll have to try it with Austin some time. I think he would freak out though, he gets all grossed out about that stuff! when i was younger I used to get all embarressed and my dad would carry the "girl stuff" or buy it for me!

Not a Granny said...

blue-I think I luv your hubster! Yup, 47 this year...sigh

kayli-yeah, the manlier they are, sometimes the worse they are! LOL

The Ferryman said...

I will buy tampons, I don't care. More than that, sometimes when we are in the store together I will call out "Which ones do you need for your heavy flow, honey?"

Nature Girl said...

roflmao at Mr. Fabulous. Back when I had a uterus, my DH would go to the store for me. He didn't like it, but he didn't complain about it either...
Great blog! Thanks for stopping in to mine, I'll be back.

Not a Granny said...

Mr. Fab-Oh good, next time I need some I will send you!

stacie-thanks for stopping.

It sounds like my hubster is in the minority..I will have tolet him know!!

Anonymous said...

Um, no. Husband buys them.

So do little brothers - who were indoctrinated at a young age.

If I ever get so much as a peep I like to brow beat them with "what? are you afraid someone is going to think they're for you??"

Elizabeth said...

I can't believe that!!! My fiance will and has gone to the store many times and doesn't mind having them in his cart cause like you said it shows he has a lady!!!

Bluepaintred said...

DUDE. my first born will turn eight on the 29th of October :o)

Not a Granny said...

miss britt-OMG that is What A Grampy is afraid of.....I don't think they look like Depends...

Blue--OMG We have to have an Internet Birthday Party..He is, let's see, I was 39 when he was born...not even 40 yet...thanks for the depression causing thoughts...

Sheila-ask him..will he shop Aisle 9...It's a George Carlin thing..I think Tom knows George Carlin...

Kyra said...

My husband will buy them if I get really specific, but he is really nervous about it. He even thanked me once for only making him do that I think twice in the almost 14 years together.

Amy said...

Hubs will do it in a pinch with no problem. Thank God, because there are a few times I've been REALLY desperate!