Friday, November 23, 2007

Ther'es No Place Like Home, There's No Place Like Home

I want to come home. It is 1:30 pm and it is 29 degrees. I think I saw a snowflake. My wine glass is even too cold!


Anonymous said...

Oh say it isn't so...are you out in that mess of shoppers?

Not a Granny said...

preposterous-OMG No! they frown on full wine glasses in department stores.

Sheila-yeah but even the house is cold...(pout)

Dan said...

It's 29 degrees here right now. And I AM home!! Help! :)

Anonymous said...

I spent Thanksgiving in Washington State about 11 years ago. Spokane to be exact. It is a beautiful place but I agree with you about the cold!

Not a Granny said...

Dan-but I live in Florida for a reason, the heat!

Squirrel-I hate the cold. I will be whining about this for a year!!