Sunday, July 29, 2007

How I Spent My Sunday

Here it is Nascar Sunday. Racing at the Brickyard in Indiannapolis. Woo Hoo!!! Great Race! Well, it should be...I am spending my Nascar Sunday waiting to find out if Not A Grampy will be the winning bidder on a Schwinn Apple Krate bicycle (1968) that he is bidding on on Ebay...

He is getting it for me...yup...I guess sometime in the last 20 years, in a purely innocent conversation, I must have mentioned that I wanted this??? Liked it??? More than likely, what happened was that he was talking about them and I, probably, kind of nodded, hummed a bit...perhaps all I did was glance at you know, sometimes that is all it takes. Anyway, yup I am getting this bicycle..

Yup, an old bicycle is taking precedent over my Nascar Race.

I know, I know, why am I not sitting by the pool, with a nice cool drink, watching the race at our Tiki Bar? Simple answer really...

I have to be in the vicinity of Not A Grampy when the auction is over...(14 minutes right now). If he wins the damn bike, I have to be on hand to prevent him from re-decorating the house.

Yup, Not a Grampy wants to decorate my house like the Cracker Barrell restaurants...oh shit..only 11 minutes....

I will keep you informed!

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